My Hope Lies in God

  • Post by James Sumo
  • Jun 06, 2024
My Hope Lies in God

My Hope Depends On God

Psalm 34:3 -4.

” O amplify the Lord with me, as well as allow us honor His name together.

4 I sought (made inquiries of) the Lord and also needed Him [of necessity and also on the authority of His Word], and He heard me, and also provided me from all my fears.”.

Precious people of God, current occasions in today’s world might be very preventing. When you browse you as well as pay attention to the news as well as read real social media sites details, all one sees most times are tales of woe as well as such tales spread extremely quick like a wild uncontrollable fire.

There is palpable anxiety of destitution, isolation, death, denial and even concern of the unknown. Individuals are not just fearful but anxious and also distrustful of others. This is additionally compounding people’s health situation as well as creating high blood pressure, cancer cells, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, and other debilitating problems.

The life expectancy has dropped in many nations of the world and individuals are passing away at young ages unlike in times previous.

These are the important things that are driving people right into criminal activity, xenophobia, alcoholism, narcotics consumption as well as all way of vices. The separation as well as remarriage rates amongst pairs these days is alarmingly high.

Children are committing self-destructions, committing murder also of their very own parents, joining occultic teams and so forth done in a proposal to find acceptance and peace.

Yet that is not the solution. People are just looking for joy and peace in the incorrect places.

Fortunately for us, the Holy Scriptures, words of God foretold of occasions of the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1, “BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (embeded in) risky times of wonderful anxiety and problem [hard to manage as well as tough to bear]”.

This means, bosom friend, we are presently residing in the last days, which discusses the level of moral and also spiritual decadence in today’s world. I can tell you that points are only going to get worse as opposed to much better.

It is not due to the fact that I state so yet the Word of God states so.

Whether you think it or not, I tell you dear friend, satan lags all these troubles. It is demons working for satan that have ravaged unsaved folks as well as driven them to devote various godawful acts against others.

So what is the method onward and also what is the genuine remedy to all these problems?

There is just one location where to get real, enduring tranquility and the good news is, His name is the Royal prince of Tranquility. His name is Jesus Christ. His name is the Word of God. Despite exactly how one wants to reject this, I inform you, that is the option.

When you come to have a real, actual and also long-term connection with the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word will certainly always soothe you even in the face of actual risk. You can not obtain this anywhere else.

As you review this today, the Lord Jesus Christ is welcoming you to find to Him to experience what I am speaking about. Do not allow satan to drive you to an early tomb through the traumatic problems of this present life.

Pay attention to what the Lord Jesus Christ states in Matthew 11:28 -29, “Pertain to Me, all you who labor and also are heavy-laden and also loaded down, and also I will trigger you to rest. [I will certainly ease and alleviate and also freshen your hearts.] 29 Take My yoke upon you and discover of Me, for I am mild (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will certainly locate rest (alleviation and ease as well as refreshment as well as leisure and honored silent) for your spirits.”.

May the excellent Lord bless you as you follow His Word today, act on it as well as show others in Jesus’ Mighty Call, Amen.


Click the link below to visit my web page on Amazon to get your copy of my book “NOW, I RECOGNIZE” that provides deep insight right into the lots of marriage, medical, spiritual, psychological, economic and also societal concerns facing Christians and also others today.

Guide provides functional options to these problems as well as lots of other extremely crucial ones utilizing the timeless mentors and concepts of the foolproof Word of God, the Holy Bible.


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