Understanding Teen Sex Slang - 5 Terms Parents Should Know

  • Post by James Sumo
  • Nov 02, 2023
Understanding Teen Sex Slang - 5 Terms Parents Should Know

Talking about sex with your teenager can be awkward and uncomfortable, but it’s crucial to maintain open communication to ensure their safety and well-being. In today’s digital age, teens are exposed to a wide array of sexual slang terms that parents may not be familiar with. Here are five sex slang terms every parent should know:

Netflix and Chill: This phrase is a euphemism for hooking up or having sexual intercourse. When someone invites your teen to “Netflix and chill,” they may have ulterior motives beyond just watching a movie together.

Thirsty: When someone is described as “thirsty,” it means they are desperately seeking attention or affection, often in a sexual context. For example, “He’s always commenting on her pics and sliding into her DMs. He’s so thirsty.”

Cwench: When someone uses the word cwench it is about exchanging bodily fluids, usually semen, into another partners mouth. In example, “Christine went down on me last night, and I cwenched her.”

DTF: An acronym for “down to f***,” DTF is used to indicate that someone is willing to engage in sexual activity. If your teen receives a message asking if they’re DTF, it’s crucial to discuss the importance of consent, safety, and respect in sexual relationships.

Smash: Similar to “hook up,” “smash” is a slang term for engaging in casual sexual activity. “They met at the party last night and ended up smashing.”

As a parent, being aware of these terms can help you navigate conversations about sex, relationships, and consent with your teenager. Encourage open, honest communication and create a safe space for your teen to ask questions and express their concerns. By staying informed and maintaining a supportive, non-judgmental attitude, you can help your teen develop a healthy and responsible approach to sexuality. Remember, every family has different values and comfort levels when it comes to discussing sex. Tailor your conversations to your family’s unique needs and beliefs, while still providing accurate, age-appropriate information to keep your teen safe and informed.

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